DIGITAL SCHOOLS in Switzerland

Choose the long-term solution for Swiss schools

How you can make your school a digital pioneer thanks to a uniform solution.

Some schools spontaneously chose a digital solution for a cloud and for video lessons, whilst others still use entirely analog way. Does this sound like you? Sdui is here to help! We will create one central place for you, where all the important information can easily be shared.

"Why do I still need an app when we are managing remote classes?"

Many of the systems that were implemented during the coronavirus pandemic are only short-term solutions and do not meet long-term requirements, such as a digital classbook or the integration of a timetable. Instead they are an unstable solution for the given challenges that will not end. Digitalisation will become a major part of our education.

Now is the time to think in the long run by bringing together users and information in one place.

How your personal contact person reduces your IT work

If you have any questions or are unsure about something you can always contact your personal contact person from Sdui. You will be able to benefit from the experience of our customer care department and you can get support with any challenges that you might face.

Our experts have already helped more than 2,000 schools with setting up Sdui, which means that they know how to best digitalise schools during crisis.

Die Sdui App für Schulträger und Kitaträger – Kundenbetreuung

How you can digitalise your school in only 15 minutes...
Alles was es braucht:
Eine Schulliste oder einen Stundenplan

Sdui automatically generates all accounts using an excel or a CSV file. The timetable is automatically synchronised, which means that groups for classes and courses are automatically created.

This means that already after a few minutes after the set-up every user can start accessing their individual groups, without any extra effort. New users can be automatically synchronised and are directly added to the relevant groups.

Shape your remote lessons digitally in a comprehensive and simple way

Sdui is especially intuitiv and has a clear design, similar to WhatsApp and other apps. Within the chats many features, such as video calls, hand in folders and surveys are available to ensure an easy handling.

Chatnachrichten - Sdui-App für Schulen
Push-Benachrichtigung der Sdui-App für Schulen und Eltern

Send important information to all parents with only one click ...

Especially during a crisis, such as the coronavirus pandemic, information has to quickly and securely reach the homes. Write messages to specific groups or easily share news with the entire school. With Sdui letters to parents finally get read.

...and directly check, who has read the message

The read receipt assures you who has already been informed and who has not read the information yet.

In-App Lesebestätigung

Free online consultation

Learn how Sdui can facilitate your daycare and school life in the shortest possible time

One Way Kommunikation

The school management and teachers can check themselves who has received the information

You can decide if parents and students are able to reply to messages that have been shared with them. By setting the chat to ‘one way’, you can prevent others from contacting you for example in the evening or during the weekend.

This is how you connect all your systems and programmes in one shared place

Timetables and substitutions can be integrated by synchronising them. Other solutions such as Moodle and BigBlueButton can also be integrated in the menu. Sdui enables you to create your own organised environment and adjust it to your preferences.

Integrationen anderer Anwendungen in Sdui

With Sdui, you no longer have to worry about data protection.

The requirements of data protection are extensive: procedure directory, contract data processing, etc. With Sdui, you no longer have to worry about data protection: the Sdui app runs via an ISO-certified data center in Frankfurt.

Look at how other schools are already successfully using Sdui

Carl-Zeiss-Gymnasium Jena

Situation: Im Zuge der Digitalisierung fehlte es an einer Lösung, mit der nicht nur einfacher kommuniziert, sondern die Kommunikation auch durch die Schule aktiv gesteuert werden konnte.

Ziel: Ein vom ganzen Kollegium akzeptiertes und nutzbares System, das Schüler/innen, Lehrkräfte und Eltern verbindet, ohne bloß ein WhatsApp-Ersatz zu sein. Man wünschte sich eine Anwendung, die gezielt die Anforderungen 
von Schulen berücksichtigt.

Umsetzung: Herr Skorsetz wendete sich an Sdui und die Schule wurde gemeinsam eingerichtet. Nach ausgiebigen Tests und vielen positiven Rückmeldungen aus der gesamten Schulgemeinde, entschied man sich gemeinschaftlich für Sdui. Positives Feedback sowie Änderungswünsche wurden mit dem Sdui-Team besprochen und in den Entwicklungsprozess der App einbezogen.

Ergebnis: Lehrkräfte und Klassen meldeten sich in Sdui an und sind nun miteinander vernetzt. Besonders schätzt man die einfache Nutzeroberfläche und die enge Vernetzung, die den Lehrkräften dank One-Way Funktion dennoch Privatsphäre schafft.

With Sdui you do not only get a thoughtful software...
...but also a strong partner by your side.

For everyone at Sdui it is important to help schools digitalise in a secure and understandable way. We will support you throughout the whole process, from the first meeting and the onboarding process to the daily usage of the app. Please just contact us whatever it is, ideas, questions etc. we will be happy to help!

How can Sdui help make preschool and school life easier right away? Learn more now!

It is the biggest motivation for me to know that I have contributed to making the daily routine in schools and preschools easier in the long term.

Artavazd Andranikyan

Business Development Manager


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