Our solution for preschools

With Sdui towards safe digital preschools

More time for what really matters thanks to the Sdui preschool app

Sdui helps preschools in simplifying digital communication and organisation. The Sdui app is highly intuitive so that all parents and educators can easily handle it. This enables preschool managers to involve everyone and take the first step towards digitalisation – without any previous knowledge. No need to struggle with complex systems anymore, and at the end of the day there is more time for what really counts: The educational development of the children.


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“We accompany preschools step by step on their way to digitalisation.”

Artavazd Andranikyan, Business Development Manager

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This is how the Sdui preschool app is making everyone’s life at preschool easier

In only 15 minutes:
Sdui automatically generates accounts and groups for your preschools

All you need to get started is a simple Excel spreadsheet with the data of everyone involved in the preschools. Based on this information, Sdui automatically creates in-app groups for educators and parents.
This way, within minutes of setting up Sdui, you can reach all parents and educators with just a few clicks.

Die Kita App von Sdui – Chat

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Die Kita App von Sdui –

Send important information to all parents with one click

Without effort and technical skills you can publish news that will be immediately displayed and read by all parents who receive a push notification on their devices. You can also attach surveys and files to encourage everyone´s involvement in the everyday life of the preschools.

Read receipts: Make sure that important information reaches the recipients

Read receipts inform you instantly when a message has been read. Surveys are automatically evaluated for you.

Die Kita App von Sdui - Erzieher kontrolliert Lesebestätigungen

The translation tool helps cross language barriers

Write and send messages in Sdui, which parents who don’t speak English can easily translate into their mother tongue. More than 32 languages are already available!

You control your availability

Make sure the off-hours are truly respected by setting chats to “one-way” and turning on notifications for given time slots. That way, important information gets to parents without you being bothered by queries or comments.

Die Kita App von Sdui – One-Way Kommunikation

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Die Kita-App von Sdui – Erzieher plant News-Veröffentlichung

Create official texts in advance and publish them later

Use the quiet phases in your preschool to write news in advance and save them in Sdui. This news articles will then be automatically published by the Sdui app at the scheduled time, while you already have your head free for other things. 

Digital sick notes:
A solution to the non-stop phone ringing in the morning

Parents can submit the sick note of their children digitally via the app. In this way, teachers can see who they can expect at the preschool today and know directly why a child is missing thanks to the comment function. After the sick note is taken into consideration by the educator via the app, parents receive a push notification on their smartphones and thus have an overview of their children’s days of absence. 

Die Kita App von Sdui - Krankmeldungen
Die Kita App von Sdui – Junge Frau nutzt Cloud

Share documents and memories via the Sdui cloud

In Sdui’s preschool-cloud, you can store children’s files and photos in a data-secure manner and share them with parents in an uncomplicated way. This way, parents can be even more closely involved in the day-to-day life of the preschool. In addition, the Cloud can be used for documenting childcare portfolios 

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Let your personal advisor deal with the challenges that you are facing

We are pleased to help you – be it answering purely comprehension questions or resolving administrative/technical problems. Our experts will help you successfully digitize your preschool centre.

Die Kita App von Sdui – Kundenbetreuer

With Sdui, you no longer have to worry about data protection.

The requirements of data protection are extensive: procedure directory, contract data processing, etc. With Sdui, you no longer have to worry about data protection: the Sdui app runs via an ISO-certified data center in Frankfurt.

Kindertagesstätte Kinderplanet in Ramstein-Miesenbach

Situation: Bisher war es schwierig, die digitale Kommunikation umzusetzen, da ein sicherer Kommunikationsweg fehlte.

Ziel: Eine leichte Kommunikationsmöglichkeit für Familien und Erzieher/innen zu haben, aber trotzdem kurzfristig alle relevanten Personen mit wichtigen Informationen erreichen zu können.  

Umsetzung: Zu Beginn des ersten Corona-Lockdowns gab es eine Übergangsphase, in der man “zweigleisig” fuhr und parallel zu Sdui gedruckte Informationen teilte. Damit wurde der Angst, dass die App zu komplex sein könnte, von vorneherein entgegengewirkt. Nach nur zwei Monaten hatten sich sowohl die Eltern, als auch die Erzieher/innen mit der intuitiven Benutzung der Sdui-App vertraut gemacht und konnten komplett auf den analogen Weg verzichten.

Ergebnis: Durch Sdui konnte eine leichte und schnelle Kommunikation zu den Eltern und Erzieher/innen untereinander hergestellt werden. Alle sind mit der digitalen Lösung vertraut und wissen es zu schätzen, nun rundum informiert und involviert zu sein. 

Jelena Wagner -Kitaleitung

Jelena Wagner, Erziehungswissenschaftlerin, Entwicklungspsychologin und Kita-Leitung in Ramstein-Miesenbach (zur Webseite ↗)

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Frequently asked questions about the Preschool App

A preschool app is used to digitalize and simplify the organization, documentation and communication in a nursery, a daycare centre, preschool or an after-school care centre. The value of integrating a preschool app is also proven by the expertise of the State Institute of Early Childhood Research (IFP)It reports that providers and preschool managers who already use an app in their day-to-day work rate it positively and rate the added value as very high. Simplified communication with parents, faster organization in the preschool and digital documentation of the children’s development relieve teachers and allow them to invest more time in their work with the children. 

The functions of Sdui as a preschool app can be individually adapted to the needs and size of your preschool. You can find out the details and get to know Sdui better in a personal meeting with one of our experts. 

Digital media in the preschool not only help reduce the workload in the organization of the preschool, but can also be used to impart media competence to the children in their everyday life. While digital media can make work easier for educators and parents, children benefit from the many “new” possibilities for shaping their day-to-day life (e.g. watching an episode of “Die Sendung mit der Maus” together in the media library or downloading specific mandala templates for coloring from the internet). As digital devices are omnipresent in everyday life, it is possible to work out together with the children the importance of data protection and proper use of the internet.