Sdui in the daily life of the school management

This is how your daily school life could look like with Sdui...

the day starts with an important announcement for the entire school community

... send it via 1 click as a news item

Letters to parents via apps

Share important announcements –
including attachments as PDF, picture etc.

Read receipts

In 3 seconds with one tap 

Push notifications

Sdui automatically informs you
about new


Involve everyone and
archive measurable results

Throughout the day colleagues have to communicate

... easy and quick in the "Staff room"

created groups

...for all classes, courses and specific group of users (e.g. teachers)

One way vs. open chat

Teachers can decide,
when other can write messages

Secure WhatsApp alternative

As easy as 

known messengers

Without phone numbers

To use it no private phone number or private email is required

How can Sdui help make preschool and school life easier right away? Learn more now!

It is the biggest motivation for me to know that I have contributed to making the daily routine in schools and preschools easier in the long term.

Artavazd Andranikyan

Business Development Manager


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You would like to organise a conference due to a student

...just open the digital classbook to be up-to-date


Quickly tick of digital lists and compare sick notes with the secretary


For a clear overview enter homework with the time effort needed and with a deadline

Record teaching material

Space to document the class and to add comments

Filter by person

Mention students and comments and refer to these in conversations with parents.

There have been changes to your timetable

immeaditately and everyone directly receives a message

Automatically synchronised

...with the timetable programme of the school (e.g. Untis, aSc, DAVINCI...)

Individually filtered

Everyone can only see 

what is personally relevant for them

Highest level of privacy

Parents are not able to view the absences of teachers

Planning security

Teachers can view room plans, classes and colleagues

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Learn how Sdui can simplify your school life in the shortest possible time

How Sdui can help the school management with daily duties...

 For you as the school management Sdui offers various functions that you can easily integrate to your day-to-day life:

  • The News function enables the school management to share news with the entire school community within seconds.
  • The Chat function enables the school management to share news, surveys, various information and files with all colleagues. 
  • The coordination of all staff (maintenance, secretary, IT admins etc.) can be done via Sdui with minimal administrative effort.
  • Furthermore, Sdui offers a clear overview of the data in the admin panel. This enables the school management to check on the registration status and document any activities.

An overview of the most important functions

Sdui - GDPR compliant school app

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Learn how Sdui can simplify your school life in the shortest possible time