
The new school administration solution “PUPIL@SG” enables swiss “Volksschulen” (covering compulsory education from Kindergarden to secondary education for 11 years) in the canton of St. Gallen in Switzerland to digitalize processes ranging from school administration and teaching to communication with parents. As part of the Sdui Group, PUPIL AG provides an all-in-one solution with a large number of modules.


"Pupil@SG" supports processes in the following areas:

An all-in-one solution for “Volksschulen” in the canton of St. Gallen

With “PUPIL@SG”, existing processes in the school system are being digitalized, standardized and simplified – from teaching to communication with parents and guardians. A system for all ”Volksschulen” in St. Gallen that connects – everyday school life with school administration and teachers with parents and guardians. In addition to over 55,000 pupils, around 9,500 people from cantonal offices, school administrations and schools will work with the new software. The introduction of the new system throughout the canton will continue until 2025 and is possible thanks to the financing as a joint e-government project of the St.Gallen municipalities and the canton of St.Gallen.

Voices from St. Gallen

"I quickly felt comfortable using PUPIL. The possibilities for me as a teacher support an efficient and professional way of working."

Andreas Flury, primary school teacher Mörschwil

"Introducing the system involves effort, but ultimately it is a great support in everyday life. That's why my advice is to spread the project over several shoulders and see the process as an opportunity."

Stefan Bolt, Head of Education & Family Uzwil

Karin Metzler Mörschwil PUPIL-SG

"The system makes it possible to work independently of time and location. Data is recorded once and is then available to all user groups involved - this saves time and errors."

Karin Metzler, Mörschwil School Office

Emil Wick Mörschwil PUPIL-SG

"My tip for successful project development: divide the introduction into several steps and allow sufficient time. That way, users will quickly see the benefits and enjoy working with it."

Emil Wick, Headmaster Mörschwil

Administrative staff