The first step towards digitalisation: the app for special-needs schools

More time for the things that really matter: pedagogical teaching

Make everyday school life as relaxed as possible for everyone with Sdui. We offer a particularly simple solution for digital communication, organisation and (remote) teaching in special needs schools. Particularly helpful: Sdui as an app for special needs schools is designed so intuitively that all parents & teachers will find it easy to use. Free up time for what really matters: Classes with your pupils.

In 15 minutes: Sdui automatically generates accounts and groups for your special needs school

All you need to get started is a simple Excel spreadsheet with the data of everyone involved in the preschools. Based on this information, Sdui automatically creates in-app groups for educators and parents. This way, within minutes of setting up Sdui, you can reach all parents and educators with just a few clicks.

Die App für Förderschulen von Sdui - Chats
Die App für Förderschulen von Sdui - News und Lesebestätigung

Send information with a single click & receive read receipts

Share important information easily as a digital letter to parents with an attachment via the app – whether with a selected group or the whole school. Thanks to the one-click read receipts, you know exactly who has already been informed.

Addressing auditory learning types
with voice messages

Send voice messages as well as text messages in the chat. This allows you to explain things in more detail, speak more personally with your pupils and facilitate easier communication with school participants who have problems with written language.

Die App für Förderschulen von Sdui - Sprachnachrichten senden

The translation tool helps cross language barriers

Write and send messages in Sdui, which parents who don’t speak English can easily translate into their mother tongue. More than 32 languages are already available!

Free online demo

Learn how Sdui can simplify your school life in the shortest possible time

Quick results thanks to the survey function

Simplify voting and involve your pupils in decisions by simply creating and sharing polls in Sdui. Collect responses from parents via digital surveys instead of waiting forever for response slips – even anonymously.

Die App für Schulen von Sdui - Umfragefunktion
Die App für Förderschulen von Sdui - Veröffentlichung von News vorplanen

Prepare news articles and share them automatically later

Use free hours to tick off your to-do list and write news for Monday on Friday: prepare news articles and have them published automatically by the Sdui app at the selected time. 

Teachers retain control over their availability & privacy

Switch chats to ‘one-way’ and set notification-free quiet times so that the end of the working day really belongs to you. This way, important information get through, while controlled exchanges can reduce cyberbullying.

Die App für Schulen von Sdui - one-way kommunikation
Die App für Förderschulen von Sdui - Digitaler Stundenplan

In the right place at the right time with the digital timetable

No more arriving at school at 8 a.m. to find out that the first lesson has been cancelled: thanks to the automatically synchronised, digital timetable, pupils are reliably informed about cancelled lessons, substitutions and room changes. Thanks to individual filtering, everyone only sees what concerns them.

Enable lessons from anywhere with the video conference function

More flexibility in lesson organisation: thanks to video conference with up to 150 participants, you can easily switch between face-to-face, hybrid and distance learning.

Die App für Förderschulen von Sdui - Videotelefonie

Free online demo

Learn how Sdui can simplify your school life in the shortest possible time

Die App für Förderschulen von Sdui - Digitale Krankmeldungen

Digital absence notifications take the pressure off secretaries and teachers

Pupils can simply inform about an absence via the app – without the morning phone chaos in the secretary’s office. Students who have signed out are immediately displayed as absent in all classes – this way teachers automatically know who is absent.

Share homework, documents and memories

In Sdui cloud you can easily share and store worksheets, homework, important documents or class photos in a data-secure way. Also use the cloud to arrange and organise your class materials

Die App für Förderschulen von Sdui - Cloud
Die App für Förderschulen von Sdui - Digitales Klassenbuch

The Digital Class Register:
Similiar to the analogue one - but much better

Whether it’s homework, lesson content or pupil behaviour: In the digital class register, everything can be documented and viewed from anywhere. For a better overview, you can easily filter by entries and export all the content at the end of the school year. 

Simply hand over challenges
to your personal customer service team

We are here for you – from the smallest question to individual app requirements. Our experts have already successfully introduced Sdui to over 10,000 schools and preschools and can also help you to successfully digitalise your school.

Die App für Grundschulen von Sdui – Kundenbetreuer

With Sdui, you no longer have to worry about data protection.

The requirements of data protection are extensive: procedure directory, contract data processing, etc. With Sdui, you no longer have to worry about data protection: the Sdui app runs via an ISO-certified data center in Frankfurt.

Erfahrungen anderer Einrichtungen

Kundenmeinung auf Facebook
Wir nutzen Sdui jetzt 1 Jahr und sind absolut zufrieden. Der Support ist sensationell und immer freundlich und hilfsbereit. Auch spezielle Wünsche wurden in kurzer Zeit umgesetzt und die App wurde für uns angepasst.
Klaus Obert
St. Ursula Schulen Hilldastraße
Nach einem halben Jahr im Einsatz möchte an unserer Schule niemand mehr auf Sdui verzichten. Für uns sind die wichtigsten Punkte: Einfache Bedienung (sogar für Lehrer handlebar), alle Funktionen gut durchdacht und benutzerfreundlich umgesetzt, kompletter Umfang, offener Blick der Entwickler für Verbesserungen (wo überhaupt noch möglich!) und nicht zuletzt: perfekter Service und schnelle, kompetente und sehr freundliche Betreuung.
Hans-Martin Bratzel
Realschule Tiengen
Vielen Dank an das gesamte Sdui-Team. Sie reagieren sehr kurzfristig und kompetent auf neue Bedarfe in der Corona-Krise und unterstützen dadurch unsere Lehrkräfte und Schüler im Fernunterricht mit wertvollen neuen Funktionen, Erklärvideos und dem Handbuch.
Frank Schubert
Ev. Oberschule Großrückerswalde
Ich bin so froh, dass wir Sdui haben, das können Sie sich gar nicht vorstellen. Und solange ich Sie für Problemlösungen an meiner Seite habe, haut mich hier nichts um.
Jelena Wagner
Leiterin einer Kita in RLP
Ich würde Sdui jeder Schule und jeder Kita empfehlen, weil Sie dadurch eine einfache, leichte und schnelle Kommunikation zu ihren Eltern herstellen können, die einen aber nicht überfordert. Und ich würde Sdui empfehlen, weil das Team von Sdui so toll ist.

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